5 irritating reasons why we kind of like viral sensation, Danielle Bregoli

Source: Instagram/__bhaddbhabiee

The teenager is nuts.

Completely nuts.



Danielle Bregoli (14) appeared on the Dr Phil Show in September 2016, in an episode that dealt with parents and their rebellious teenagers.

Behind her don’t-care attitude is a mushy kid just asking to be loved. So we love you. Just wash your mouth out with soap, because ouma’s in South Africa will definitely give you a heated klap for your colourful language.

1. We don’t get it but we get it.

Her videos always get roasted, but the kid is smart. So chill out a bit haters.

2. Her instagram is marginally 🔥🔥🔥 because she always says what she thinks, #nofilter.

3. Her signature catchphrase – “Cash me ousside, how bow dah?”

She’s definitely rude, but the catchphrase kind of stuck. When asked about the catchphrase on TMZ, Danielle replied: “It’s just something that happened!


4. Again, she’s smart:

Bregoli is a viral sensation and is set to ‘become a millionaire’ by the end of 2017. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Danielle is doing product placements on Instagram, where she has 11 million followers, for Fit Tea and Postmates, which could be worth millions per post.

5. She’s simply notorious

In June, Danielle pleaded guilty to grand theft, grand theft auto, filing a false report and drug possession at a Florida court.

She was handed five years’ probation for the offences relating to three separate incidents last year after the girl stole her mum’s purse and car.


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