Date My Family: Why everyone loves Mbalenhle

Source: Twitter/ @Acksido

If you haven’t yet hopped onto the series train that is Date My Family then it’s about time you do. The series focuses on singletons finding love by sending them on dates with their potential partners families.

But one contestant stood out and has even been trending all over Twitter and that’s because of her honest, no nonsense approach to life.

Mbalenhle is super open about her drinking and partying ways and the lady doesn’t keep her mouth shut either; stating exactly how she feels and what she thinks.

And people just loved her honesty:

But, the one thing she wasn’t too honest about is most likely her real age; but that doesn’t bother her one bit. You’re only as old as you think anyway:

She’s also completely frank about what she wants in a guy like, “they must have party vibes, not church vibes”. They also have to be a fancy dresser and of course, handsome.

In addition to that home-girl also needs to make sure that her man can take care of her:

The ladies on Twitter are going crazy for Mbalenhle and for good reason; she doesn’t care what other people think and is all for living her best life:

She speaks her mind:

She’s a great advice giver with regards to the opposite sex:

And, as she’s been reiterating throughout the entire show, she loves to drink!

Can we just get this woman her own show already? She clearly has all the fans!

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