How to pimp out that boring vetkoek

Source: Instagram/ a_taste_of_zimbabwe

Source: Instagram/ a_taste_of_zimbabwe
Source: Instagram/tamarlkt
Source: Instagram/mykitchensa

To be classified as a proper South African you have to at least know your braai, watch SABC, dunk your ouma beskuit into tea, know the national anthem by heart and be a lover of vetkoek.

It can get a bit boring to keep eating the same dishes day after day like vetkoek and mince, so let’s keep it proudly South African and make things lekker!

Not sure what vetkoek is?

It’s a traditional South African fried dough bread common in Afrikaner cookery. It is either served filled with cooked mince (ground beef) or with syrup, honey, or jam. It is thought to have its origins from the Dutch oliebollen, which date from the time of the migration period. In the Caribbean, it is called “Johnny cake”. It is similar in taste to Mexican sopapillas.

Now watch the video below, to understand the basics of making vetkoek:

Here are some awesome ideas to switch up your vetkoek game:

1. Make it a dessert

Try a choc chip vetkoek.

Before you cook the vetkoek just mix some bits of chocolate into the batter.

Serve it with cream or ice cream on the side.

2. Peanut vetkoek

Mix some blended peanuts into the batter. After you fried it, put some peanut butter spread on and serve in as a snack.

3. Cinnamon

After it is freshly out of the oil, roll it in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar to replicate the traditional doughnut.

4. Stuff it up

After making the original vetkoek you can always stuff it with different flavours of mousse.

Related article:The easiest caramel shortbread recipe ever

5. Hot cross vetkoek

Replicate the famous hot cross bun.

Make a cinnamon vetkoek with raisins and afterwards you can have some fun with the icing.

– Richelle Neethling

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