Too much sitting can take years of your life


If you think smoking is detrimental to your health try sitting or rather don’t! Research reveals that sitting at work all day could be as dangerous for your long term health as smoking is.

According to DR. James A. Levine on, people who sit for a long period of time a day have a higher risk of heart diseases than those who have jobs that require activity.

Adding that those who sit for long periods of time increases the risk of death from cancer and diabetes and he also explains that a few hours a week at the gym may not be sufficient to lessen the risk.

So how dangerous is sitting for long periods of time? Erin Carter of Michigan State University Extension explains that during sitting, muscle activity in the legs drops, burning calories drop 90% when you sit, and good cholesterol and for longer insulin becomes less effective, increasing the risk of diabetes.

The key to overcome this is introducing lifestyle changes into a daily work routine. Developing a habit of not only standing more but standing and moving consistently and not just a few times a week at the gym.

1. Incorporate walking and standing wherever you can at work, even with behind the desk type of jobs.
2. Stand up while eating or answering the phone
3. Try implementing standing desks at work
4. Try walking around the building a few times a day after long meetings with colleagues.

Consistent movement and standing and can greatly reduce risks, even if the movement is leisurely as it increases energy, muscle activity is essential for the breaking down of sugars.

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