9 Tech terms South African millennials need to know

Source: IOL

We see these terms everyday: “Wi-Fi” and “IP address,” but do any of us actually know what they mean?

What does a processor do?

Why do we need things like RAM?

What exactly is a hard drive?

Wonder no more.

Here are 9 terms in the tech world that everyone needs to know:

1. RAM:

Short for random access memory, RAM is where all programs, apps and data currently being used are kept so they can be accessed quickly by the user. The more RAM your device has, the better it will perform.

2. Processor:

Also known as CPU (central processing unit), it is responsible for – you guessed it – processing instructions given by the user. A processor’s power is measured in frequency. Higher frequency equals faster device.

3. Motherboard:

The motherboard is like the street block where all the parts of the device live. When you open up any digital device, like a computer, smartphone or tablet, the silicon slab that everything else is bolted onto is the motherboard.

4. Hard drive:

The hard drive is where all data is stored. It houses the hard disk; the place where all files and folders on the device are physically located.

5. Pixel:

Little known fact: pixel is actually an abbreviation for “picture element.” Pixels are tiny dots that make up digital images. The more pixels in the image, the better the picture quality.

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6. Bitrate:

As the name implies, it’s the rate at which bits of information are transferred from one place to another. Typically measured in bps (bits per second), it is used describe either the speed of an internet connection, or the quality of video/audio files.

7. WLAN:

Short for wireless local area network. WLAN is a, well, network that allows devices to connect and communicate via a Wi-Fi signal.

8. Wi-Fi: Technology that allows devices to communicate over a wireless signal.

9. IP/IP Address:

Internet Protocol is a set of rules for sending and receiving data over the internet that all devices follow, which means that devices running on different platforms (eg: iPhone and Android; smartphone and computer etc) can communicate with each other in some way, as long as they are connected to the internet. Every device has an IP address, which is a unique code that identifies it on the internet or a local network.

Well, there you have it.

You are now (hopefully) 9 facts more knowledgeable about modern technology.

Show off your newfound knowledge to your friends. Because knowledge is power.

-Tyler Roodt

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