Things I did not learn at school…

School was great, not simply because of lunch breaks and teenage romance, but because we learnt essential life lessons along the way that would help us survive in the big, bad world. However these lessons might not have been enough.

Knowing what Mitochondria is, doesn’t necessarily help you understand office dynamics and corporate ego’s…

To think about it, for 12 years (if not more…) we have been learning “everything” from Science to English. All of us
working towards the ultimate, perfect life equation = (Go to school-> graduate-> dream job –> fancy life)

But, school simply doesn’t teach you that you have to grind, it doesn’t teach you that a qualification in reality ends up being “just paper” and that experience is far more valuable to your  boss. Think about this conundrum – You’ve just graduated and searching for a job, and every job specification states 2-3 years of experience.

Here’s a list of things school didn’t prepare you for:


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