How aromatherapy can help you sleep better

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Some people find it hard to just crawl into their beds and go to sleep.

Issues such as snoring, sleep apnea and insomnia might be standing in your way of achieving 8 hours of uninterrupted slumber.

Before getting a bunch of sleeping pills though, you can try some aromatherapy. It is safer and healthier than taking medicine to help you sleep easily.

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Essential oils should definitely become a staple in your home if you want to enjoy some aromatherapy. Whether you are rubbing a few drops on your chest, wrist, neck, forehead, hands, or feet; or adding a few drops in your air diffuser, it will help you doze off quicker.

Other ways to use essential oils are as follows:

Put a few drops of essential oils on your hand and rub your palms together before smelling them.

Add essential oils to water and spray in your room or on your pillow.

Add essential oils to a pot of boiling hot water and inhale the steam while covering your head with a towel creating a tent effect.



There are plenty of essential oils available so make sure to choose the ones you like. Different oils also offer different effects so try to choose according to your needs. Since you need help sleeping the essential oils to look out for are ones that are relaxing or clear the airway to prevent sleep disruptions.

Here are some of our favourites: 

Chamomile Oil

Known for its ability to relieve anxiety, Chamomile oil alleviates insomnia. It has been used in ancient herbal medicines to reduce levels of stress and anxiety, which often lead to depression.

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Lavender Oil

We have all bought bath products with lavender at some point, it is known for its relaxing effects. According to Amerisleep researchers have found that lavender increases slow-wave sleep, which is good for slowing your heart rate and muscle relaxation—thus promoting restful sleep.

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Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is perfect for those that struggle with snoring and sleep apnea symptoms because its anti-inflammatory nature will help clear the airways leading to fewer sleep disruptions.

Valerian Oil

With an age-old reputation, valerian oil has been used for its calming, grounding, and emotionally balancing influences. It works on the principles of anti-anxiety medicines which is said to promote deep sleep.

Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood is not just common in perfumes but the woody and earthy scent is effective in relieving stress and anxiety.
Other research has also claimed that sandalwood may have a sedative effect by reducing wakefulness.

Picture: Pexels 



Cedarwood oil is great for those who struggle with insomnia because it has natural sedative properties. It will also help fight colds and repel household bugs. It is also believed that cedarwood is emotionally grounding and promotes feelings of safety. Use a diffuser or apply the oil directly to your pillow to aid with sleep.

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