5 survival hacks before pay day

Source: giphy.com

So you’re broke and you’re holding your breath for that paycheck SMS.

❌ 🤑 🆘

You’re squeezing the last bits of toothpaste out of the tube or simply eyeing the food at the back of the fridge that you couldn’t quite handle stomaching when you were paid and flying high.

Your lunch to work/ university consists of the dried, canned food variety and friends who celebrate birthday’s during these difficult times are avoided completely.

Lest they hold you accountable for the non-existent gift. 😕

Darling, TYI has your back.

Here are a few snappy ways to survive a few days before pay day.

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Some are truly ridiculous solutions, but pay in mind that they are at least solutions .

1. Visit family

They will have food.


2. Collect money

You might have lent money to ‘friends’ if you’re usually generous. Call ’em up and you might get a fat chunk of notes in return.

3. Freelance

Sign up to do surveys online, serve in a café, become a promoter etc.


4. Join a cause/ campaign

Albeit it’s good for the soul but you also get free food to munch on in meetings.


5. Hobby

A hobby gets your mind off constant fretting over money. Simply immerse yourself in a new hobby and let your mind chill out.



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