Simple tricks that will help you sleep better

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Getting a good nights sleep can make a huge difference to how you feel daily and it can improve the overall quality of your life. 

There’s nothing better than waking after a restful slumber, ready to take on the new day.

But, from time to time many of us experience periods when we struggle to drop off or find ourselves waking in the middle of the night and unable to get back to sleep. But there are some simple tricks that can make it a whole lot easier  to doze off easily on a daily basis.


At Marks & Spencer’s Sleep Shop, there are lots of brilliant products designed with restorative sleep in mind, they offer the following tips to help you get a solid 8 hours of sleep.

1. Make your bed

It sounds obvious but if your bed isn’t comfortable, then a sound sleep will be more difficult to achieve.

So, take a few things into consideration, starting with your mattress. If you’ve had yours for over 10 years then it’s time for an upgrade. Invest in a mattress that’s not just comfy but supportive too.

Next, give yourself the best chance for a dreamy night by getting yourself soft quality bedding.

2. Pick the perfect pillow

Don’t neglect your pillows, as they could be the difference between waking up feeling ready to embrace the day and waking up with aches and pains.

Marks & Spencer has a huge range of pillows with a choice of fillings, so whether your prefer down, feathers, memory foam or an anti-allergy blend, you’ll find the perfect one for you.

You’ll also find the right level of firmness for your sleeping style. 


Sleep on your side? Opt for a firm pillow which will provide height and support for your head and neck, while keeping your body aligned.

Sleep on your back? Try a medium pillow for gentle support that keeps your head up and retains the natural curve of your neck and spine.

Sleep on your front? Pick up a soft, flatter pillow to ensure your head and neck aren’t strained.

3. Stick to a sleep schedule

Thought you left a bedtime behind when you turned 18? Think again.

A regular bedtime is essential for creating healthy sleep patterns.

So head up to bed at the same time every evening and set an alarm for the same time every morning (even on the weekends). It could help you to drop off more easily, as well as make the wake-up process less of a nightmare…

4. Create a calming haven

As well as having a bed that’s optimised for sleep, your bedroom should be a relaxed space too.

So clear it of clutter, remove anything that doesn’t belong there (like children’s toys and anything related to work) and preserve it as a room used only for sleep.

And as we all know, fragrance can have a huge effect on how we feel, so infuse your bedroom with scents made specifically for inducing a sense of tranquillity.

5. Ditch the screens

You’ve heard it before, but if a restful sleep is evading you on a regular basis then one of the easiest things you can do is cut screen time in the lead up to going to bed.

This is because the kind of light that emanates from screens is activating to the brain, keeping it engaged and alert, instead of helping it to switch off.

So no going on your phone in bed, no social media, no watching films or TV shows on your laptop or playing video games.


Instead, have a screen time cut off, about an hour before you want to get to sleep.

6. Sleepwear that actually helps you sleep

What we wear to bed is a personal choice, of course, but if you want to maximise your chances of sleeping straight through until morning, avoid nightwear made from synthetic fibres and opt for pure cotton instead.

Not only will it feel soft next to your skin but it’s breathable too, so you’ll stay cool throughout the night.

7. Listen to soothing sounds 

One way technology can help you get to sleep is if you download a sleep app.


You can listen to soothing stories, do a bedtime meditation, listen to calming music or even ambient noises like wave and whale sounds.

If you find one that works for you, you’ll find yourself dropping off more easily. 

9. Start a relaxing bedtime ritual

Getting into a pre-bed routine is a great way to coax your body and mind into feeling more relaxed.

So take a warm bath with aromatherapy bath salts, turn overhead lights off in favour of softer bedside lamps, read a book and take some time to add in some luxurious skincare, before getting into bed.

10. Breathe  

The power of breathing exercises is well known so if you find it hard to get to sleep or often wake in the middle of the night and counting sheep just won’t cut it, then try some simple breathwork.

Try this exercise next time you’re lying awake.

Breathing through the nose, take a deep breath for four seconds.


Hold it for seven seconds, before breathing out slowly for eight. 

Repeat it five times.

Your heart rate will slow and any adrenaline in your system will start to ebb away.

-Adapted from the Daily Mail

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