Editor’s Note | Quit millennial bashing! We have feelings too

Created by Saajida Francis

Disclaimer: The use of memes is entirely intentional and shan’t be removed.

Scan The Young Independents homepage, and you will quickly realise that the stamp of millennial is all over it. 

Every article is specifically tailored to sate the curiosity of the tittering twitterati, the nostalgic facebooker, the frantic snapchatter, the impatient tinder-er and the lost non-social media souls… 

An older being cast a quizzical look at me once and omitted this question from pursed lips:

I felt my hackles rise, as I foresaw a brewing ageism argument rise to the surface. I always find myself stuck, having to explain the behavioural patterns of my generation. If anything, I think we’re the most intimidating bunch of 18- 35-year old’s to ever exist. We’ve got our minds made up.

Perhaps millennials are so bothersome to older generations because we disrupt everything? 

Perhaps we’re so lazy because it’s a side effect of being an incredibly intelligent generation. 

Here me out, I can feel your eyeballs rolling ‘oh cynical one. 

Why work so hard, when you can create an algorithm to lessen the amount of time wasted on a simple task? 

I mean, all we ask of a workspace is that it has bean bags, Wi-Fi and artisan coffee that has a title we can’t pronounce but produces frothy goodness that can be snapped and posted onto the ‘gram. Why go through a typical model agency, when your Instagram account is enough to win over any brand name trying to stay relevant? (We call this the Kylie Jenner effect) 

We’re so real about being human, that we’re never ones to shy away from oversharing and “overperforming our humanness”. What’s life without an element of silliness? 

We’ve always got an opinion about something, without necessarily introducing facts into the viewpoint. We find a meme in everything (remember Baby Jake?) 

…because we’re suckers for humour when the going gets tough…

The point of this rambling note is a direct message to older generations. 

Be kinder to millennials. 

Stop millennial bashing, we have feelings too. You might have watched us grow from kids in diapers to smart-mouthed individuals, but we’re coming into our own. 

We’ve so much to prove and so much to achieve, help us get there instead of being perpetually grim-faced and woeful. 

With your experience and additional guidance coupled with our innovative nature and creative energy, who’s to say what greatness we can achieve? (I’m starting to feel like this is starting to sound like a cheesy Marvel script) 

The end is not near, yeah? Let’s work together. 

[Insert Kumbaya soundtrack, cheesy grins and hand holding]

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