#GOT: Learn Basic High Valyrian

The much-awaited seventh season of the award-winning Game of Thrones is finally here. Jon Snow is played by Kit Harington, above; Daenarys Targaryan by Emilia Clarke, below left, and right: Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister. Nathalie Emmanuel, inset, plays Daenaryss right hand, Missandei.

Valar morgulis.

Fans of the Game of Thrones books and the TV show know that this phrase is probably the most commonly used in the series, meaning: “All men must die.”

The slightly more devoted fans know the customary reply to the phrase; “Valar dohaeris,” which means: “All men must serve.”


If you wanna learn a bit more than two sentences, we’ve compiled a short list of some common High Valyrian words and phrases.

High Valyrian is the original form of the language, spoken by the likes of Daenerys Targaryen, Melisandre, Varys, and Missandei in the series. The derivative form is known as Low Valyrian.

Get ready to channel your inner language geek.


Zaldrīzes: “dragon,” used as both singular and plural. Note that “zaldrīzose” is used when referring to someone’s dragon, rather than to the dragon itself.

Aōt: “You.”

Āeksio ondos: “Hand of gold.” If you ever speak to Jaime Lannister, you might find this phrase handy… Please laugh.

Ossēnātās: “slay,” “kill,” or any other derivatives thereof.

Skoros morghot vestri? Tubī daor: “What do we say to Death? Not today.”

Tolī rhūqo lōtinti, kostilus: “More pigeon pie, please.”

Avy jorrāelan: “I love you.”

Aōt ynoma dīnilūks?: “Will you marry me?”

Kessa: “Yes.”

Daor: “No,” or “not.”

Daoruni gīmī: “You know nothing.”

Dracarys: “Dragonfire.”

Kirimvose: “Thank you.” Can also be said as “kirimvos,” with an emphasis on the second “I” in both cases.

Zirtys perzys: “Frozen fire,” the Valyrian term for Dragonglass.

Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas: Not a Valyrian phrase, it’s just the name of some Kenyan guy who got made into a meme last year.


Valyrian, like any other language has various complexities, which is amazing when you consider that George hasn’t even expanded on the language itself. All anyone knows of the language is used by characters in the series.

Hopefully one day, we’ll get a High Valyrian Dictionary.

-Tyler Roodt

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