Green-friendly hacks WWF South Africa wants you to #GreenTheSeason

Source: Pexels via Unsplash

It’s the festive season, a time where we overspend, overindulge and over waste.

WWF South Africa is trying to reject that mentality by establishing a list of how South Africans can turn Christmas into an eco-friendly season.

In light of the recent heatwave hitting the Gauteng region, the water restrictions in the Western CApe and the water level statistics affecting our agricultural sector; the WWF-SA in collaboration with Miss Earth SA, have been posting on their social media accounts about #GreenTheSeason.

Earthlings joined the conversation by sharing their personal #GreenTheSeason hacks…

What to do to reduce food wastage this festive season:

Tips on how to travel (green) friendly:

How to conserve energy:

Easy ways to create less waste through recycling:

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