How to celebrate Social Media Day

Social Media has easily become a huge part of our everyday lives.

Whether you use it to momentarily escape the real world or looking for some information, social networking sites have become an important part of how we function as humans.

Launched back in 2010 by Mashable, World Social Media Day (June 30) is used to recognise social media’s impact on global communication.

It has become a tradition for brands and influencers to celebrate the day by sharing tips and tricks on how to get the most out of social media.

Photo by Carol Magalhães on Unsplash

If you are an avid social media user and want to know how you can celebrate it, here are some tips from Alcatel.

Freshen up your profiles

Why not start out #SMDay with a fresh new look on the social platforms you use? #SMDay could be a good day to update your profile and background pics and bio or personal information on your social media accounts.

Find some new friends or follows

Social media is all about connecting and sharing. On #SMDay, you could seek out some new feeds or accounts to follow and connect with some new friends.

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Share your social media stories with the hashtag #SMDay

Social media has changed life for many of us, enabling us to make deep and meaningful new connections, reconnect with friends and family, stay connected with those far away from us, especially during COVID, and find new interests and passions. You could write a short post to celebrate some ways social media has enriched your life and share it with the #SMDay hashtag.

Thank your friends and followers

As with the other people in our lives, we can sometimes forget to tell our social media contacts how much we appreciate them. #SMDay is an opportunity to thank them for adding value to our lives.

Share some tips and tricks

If you’re a social media pro, you could share some of your favourite social media hacks with others who don’t know the platforms as well as you do. On Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other apps, there are so many rich features that the average user doesn’t know about.

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Test a new platform

If you’ve been meaning to try out TikTok, Pinterest or Instagram for the first time, well, here’s your chance.

Share a selfie

What is social media without selfies? Mark the day with an unfiltered selfie showing where you are and what you’re doing, and encourage your followers and friends to do the same.

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