How to determine your cat’s personality

Photo by Ludemeula Fernandes on Unsplash

Cats have a bad reputation for being feisty, temperamental and difficult to please but cat parents will tell you that not all felines are the same.

Identifying and understanding your cats personality is important to maintain a happy household.

Experts agree to this and encourage cat owners to pay attention to their furry babies.

According to research from the UK-based cat litter company Natusan after analysing data from more than 3,700 cat owners they determined that there are five common dominant personality types: nervous, outgoing, bossy, spontaneous and agreeable.

Photo by Ludemeula Fernandes on Unsplash

An animal behaviour expert Professor Peter Neville told the Daily Mail that understanding your pet’s personality traits is an ‘essential’ ingredient to ‘maintaining their health’.

He detailed the five main personality types, explaining how owners can recognise key traits.

He also provides simple changes they can make to their daily routine in order to keep their fur babies happy.


Key traits: Your pet give you a ‘verbal welcome’ when you walk through the door, is extroverted and becomes louder when his or her needs are not being addressed.

Cats with this type of personality are much more extroverted and often noisier than most. They can also get into the most trouble due to that extrovert exploratory nature.

Photo by Jae Park on Unsplash

Their lower boredom threshold can lead to attention seeking and sometimes destructive behaviour, in their efforts to reach and maintain a happy mood state.

These pets learn quickly that we humans respond most to vocal communication, and that we pay them more attention when they ‘talk’ to us.

How to treat an outgoing cat:

Frequent short daily play sessions can work well here, providing plenty of different types and textures of toys.

Reward desirable social behaviour with praise and their favourite treats – and use the same treats to distract your cat’s attention away from carrying out unwanted behaviours.

If your cat has a naughty habit of opening cupboards and doors, invest in kid-proof door stoppers to keep what’s inside from falling into the wrong paws.

Keep distractions close to hand. A strategically-placed scratching post or climbing centre will help refocus your cat’s activity whilst helping to preserve the longevity of your furniture.

Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash

Never shout at or punish your cat physically for any unwanted behaviour. This will only confuse them and make them unsure about your approach and love for them.

Instead, if your cat gets a little too excitable, have them chase a toy or treat into another room and close them in for a few moments for a ‘time out’ until they calm down.

Then let them back in to share your company and offer gentle stroking or a hide and seek game for hidden treats.

Be patient, especially with young cats, and remember, big energy outbursts are normal.


Key traits: Nervous cats have a more delicate disposition and can be more highly-strung than others. They can also be the most shy of cats but over time these cats can become just as confident and cuddly as any feline.

To keep a pet like this happy, it’s best to give them lots of ‘safe spaces’ to retreat to, and a high perch to watch the world from – at a distance.

How to treat a nervous cat:

Give them space – Boxes, cat tunnels and other ‘safe spaces’ are very important to nervous cats – they love a hiding spot to retreat to in order to relax.

Also provide several high ‘perches’ and shelves for them to sit on and peruse the world from a safe vantage viewpoint. Being high up means escaping ground level challenges – such as the dog and kids – and can provide safety for anxious cats.

Photo by MIKHAIL VASILYEV on Unsplash

Be patient, as they may only enjoy attention and cuddles when they initiate it, so always be ready to respond – and never force attention on them.

Make a routine, this personality type especially takes comfort from predictability of mealtimes and playtimes at home. Also, be sure to never disturb them when they are sleeping or resting in their ‘safe places’.

Reduce ‘triggers’. If possible, try to determine and avoid things that may cause anxiety for your cat. For example, if your cat is scared of the hoover, take them to another room before flipping the switch.


Key traits: Bossy cats always tend to be very assertive personalities and easy to spot as the ‘controlling influence’ in many multi-cat households.

They use their forceful presence and sometimes intimidating behaviour to get what they want when they want it.

If this is the case, showing all your cats love individually when the bossier cat isn’t there can help ease competitive natures.

How to treat a bossy cat:

When introducing new members of your pet family, use the ‘two-door method’ to gradually let them get to know each other, slowly removing the barriers until they can get acquainted.

Photo by Eric Han on Unsplash

Share the love – but perhaps with each cat individually or with groups while your bossy cat isn’t there – as this will avoid provoking competition.

If you have more than one cat, provide separate feeding areas and bowls to prevent your bossy one from stealing the food or preventing access to the others.

Consider a permanent ‘fix’. Neutering or spaying your cat can help to control the hormones responsible for some undesirable behaviours.


Key traits: These cats are the most impulsive, and tend to have a lot of energy, which sometimes is released all at once. Whilst all cats go through a ‘scatty’ phase as kittens, some cats stay ‘young-at-heart’ and keep their youthful exuberance.

How to treat a spontaneous cat:

Tire them out with frequent short sessions of interactive play and activity during the day as this will help them rest and sleep at night.

If your cat is an indoor pet, consider acclimatising them to wearing a secure harness and walking on a leash to take for daily walks in different places.

Never ‘scold’ your cat. Shouting will likely raise their levels of anxiety and increase any erratic behaviour as a result.

Photo by Mustafa ezz from Pexels

Make a routine. Scheduling feeding and playtime at the same time of day can help to instil a sense of routine that can help keep your cat calm.

Read your cat’s body language. Try to identify the things that set your cat off, or how they behave in the lead up to the ‘zoomies’. This can help single out any triggers that are causing the nervous energy.

Synchronise your activity cycles. Some cats are more nocturnal than others and prefer to run around your home in the small hours. Try to keep them entertained and wake throughout the day to change their body-clock.


Key traits: Super chilled, sociable and with plenty of the laissez-faire attitude that cats are known for. This agreeable personality is usually the result of proper socialisation as a kitten.

And finally, the agreeable cat, who is laid back and sociable, which also makes them excellent role models if you decided to expand the family with more pets.

How to treat an agreeable cat:

Consider expanding the family. Agreeable cats are perfect for multi-cat households, often taking younger cats under their wing and passing on good habits.

Photo by Amiya Nanda from Pexels

This type of cat is the ideal role model for newer additions, particularly rescues who can re-learn behaviours much quicker than from humans.

A well-adjusted cat can provide an endless amount of comfort, care, calm and cuddles.

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