How to maintain your muscle strength

How can you help your body maintain muscle and stay strong as you get older?

Eat More Protein and watch your vitamin D levels

Every muscle in your body is made up of protein.

But as you get older, your body requires more protein to build the same amount of muscle, since the body becomes less effective at processing protein. Vitamin D further assists to build and maintain strong muscles.


Lower levels of Vitamin D can impact muscle strength.

Be more active

Include resistance training in your routine to help maintain muscle strength and aerobic exercise to keep your muscles healthy and your heart strong.

Exercise between 30 and 60 minutes a few times a week to keep your muscles in tip-top shape.


Up Your Levels of HMB

You probably haven’t heard of HMB, also known as beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate. HMB is a natural compound that is vital to your muscle health.

Your body produces HMB when it breaks down leucine, an amino acid that comes from protein-rich foods. HMB is also naturally present in foods such as avocado and grapefruit. HMB tells your body to preserve your existing muscle cells, especially when your body is under stress that can cause muscle loss.

It also supports additional muscle growth and encourages faster post-exercise muscle recovery after those resistance and aerobic sweat sessions. Your body needs three grams of HMB a day which is the equivalent of 6000 avocados! If eating 6000 avocados per day seems excessive, do not despair.

There is an oral nutritional supplement that can help meet your nutritional needs for HMB in just two servings per day.

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