Instagram testing out new Favourites option

Instagram is testing a new ‘Favourites’ option to bring some order to users’ feeds.

Alessandro Paluzzi, a mobile developer who first posted about the new feature on Twitter, suggested that the new feature will let users categorise their most important Instagram accounts (such as friends and creators) as priorities so their posts will land “higher” in their feeds.

The social media site had previously tested a different Favourites feature in 2017, which would have let users share photos with just their designated favourties rather than all of their followers.

Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash

The new iteration of ‘Favourites’ will give users more control over their feed by telling Instagram which accounts are most important to them.

Instagram currently ranks the order of a users feed by the most recent and shared posts from the people they follow, plus other “signals” like how likely they are to engage with a post. A user could be liking many posts but might be sending the wrong signals to the site as to what they actually want to see on their feed.

Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

It is not yet clear whether the new Favourites feature will become an official part of the site or if changes will be made before it is rolled out more broadly.

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