LOOK | Top 10 destinations travellers miss the most

Picture: Pexels

The hashtag TakeMeBack on Instagram shows that the app does not just do the here and now, it also takes you back.

The hashtag is a bittersweet celebration of past vacations and is being attached by locked-down travellers all over the world to photos of the places they want to revisit ASAP.

And researchers have pinpointed the sites, attractions and landmarks that are missed the most by extracting location data for 208,362 Instagram posts with the #TakeMeBack hashtag and organising them by location. To date the hashtag has over 13 million posts. 


The destination travellers miss the most overall is the Giza Pyramid Complex in Egypt, followed by the Indonesian island of Bali and Greek gem Santorini. The most missed cities are New York, then Paris and London.

1. Giza Pyramid, Egypt 

Picture: Pexels

2. Bali, Indonesia 

3. Santorini, Greece 

4. Magic Kingdom Park, Walt Disney World, Florida 

5. Eiffel Tower, Paris 

6. Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt 

Picture: Pexels

7. Brooklyn Bridge, New York 

Picture: Pexels

8. Times Square, New York 

Picture: Pexels

9. Phi Phi Islands, Thailand 

10. Walt Disney World, Florida 

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