SADC Top 100 of 2018: Trailblazer, Geraldine Kasambara

Zimbabwean born entrepreneur Geraldine Kasambara knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life from the age of 17 which was to be her own boss. 

Her first attempt at entering the business industry Kasambara to started her own stocktaking business, which did not succeed, but she went on to run a tuck shop in a university with the aid of a business partner. 
When she finished school, she found a job but was eventually fired, which further ignited her dream of becoming a business owner. This led to the birth of 143 Communications – a business which focuses mainly on social media marketing, specialising in advertising, public relations and marketing strategies. 
The social media lover said no matter what you sell or who you sell it to, using social media as a marketing tool can help you launch your brand to exceptional levels.

Infographic by TYI
“If you have a dream and no one gets it, that’s when you have reached the aha moment,” she said. 143 Communications was one of the first companies in Zimbabwe to see the potential that lies in small businesses. 
What inspires Kasambara is the knowledge that she is working towards a dream that is bigger than she is; a legacy that will outlast and outlive her. That in some distant future, someone somewhere will say, ‘She stood up and took charge.’  
Contrary to popular belief that young people are the future, the entrepreneur believes that young people are the present and it’s high time they take Africa by the horns and usher it into a new era of success with their fresh ideas, energy, and zeal for life.
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