SADC Top 100 of 2018: Trailblazer, Sheri Bynard

Sheri Bynard is the only qualified person with Down syndrome with a tertiary teachers diploma (without any concessions made) in the world.

Her journey was not without challenges; she had encountered many while still in school. She had to rewrite her examinations several times and yet this did not deter Bynard from believing that she could do it. 

Bynard is an international ambassador for all people with Down syndrome. She truly believes that all people have the ability to choose to make the best of their circumstances and she is the living example of that.

Bynard has had the privilege of addressing the Oxford Education Symposium in London in December 2014 and the Self-Advocacy Conference in Geneva, Switzerland at the United Nations Office (UNOG) Palais des Nations in March 2017. She also addressed a Down syndrome conference in the United Nations building in New York in 2012.

“Make the most of your opportunities and know that the Lord made everyone special, work hard and trust in the Lord,” she encourages.

Bynard believes that everyone has the potential to be great – they just need a helping hand. 

Bynard is currently working full time as an assistant teacher at Lettie Fouche School for people with disabilities. 

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