10 silliest reasons for running late…

Source: unsplash.com

Nobody ever wants to be classified as a liar.

However we must admit that to be considered a great liar, you require a vivid imagination with a healthy dose of logic.

Little white lies float about every so often, and usually during periods when we run late. During these times, folks come up with some of the most amazing, most creative and most silly ‘excuses’ ever heard by mankind.


So if you sense that you will be running late tomorrow, here are the silliest excuses you could possibly conjure:

1. “My wife told me that she is conceiving today, and I really want to be there when it happens.”

2. “The line at Starbucks was super long.”

3. “I just found out the I was switched at birth. So legally I cannot come to work knowing my employee records may contain false information.”

4. “I didn’t focus and accidentally went to my old job on the other side of town.”

5. “A fire truck rushed past me on the way to work and I went home to make sure that it wasn’t my house that was on fire.”

6. “Someone was following me and I drove around town trying to lose them.”

7. “I walked into a spider web on my way to the car and could not find the spider. So I had to go take another shower to make sure it was gone.”

8. “I have no more money left, so I cannot afford any gas or public transport but will make up for it after I get paid.”

9. “I forgot what day it was, I thought it was weekend.”

10. “There was alot of fog at my house and I got lost on my way to work.”

– Richelle Neethling

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