TYI’s SADC Top 100 of 2019: Elisha Simusokwe, Disruptors

Under the name Ink and Paper Poetry, Elisha Simusokwe seeks to address shame and stigma associated with transgressing and taking a wrong turn. 

The poet and writers message and poems encourage young people that find themselves at a crossroads to find their way back to an honest living, and he encourages Christianity. Through articles on Facebook and Instagram, Elisha publishes inspirational and motivational articles and videos. 

He is driven to be an influencer because of the passion he has to shape this generation into a united, kind, loving and above all purpose-driven generation.

Inspired by poetry at a young age, Elisha realised its power to resonate deeply with readers. He recognises that poetry is not a popular genre but is determined to get his message across, one reader at a time.

Writing and reading his poetry did not come easy to Elisha. He often received texts that his poetry was not good enough, but he did not let that stop him from writing. Encouraged by friends and family, he is adamant and resolute about sharing his message. 

Five years from now, Elisha plans to grow Ink and Paper Poetry into a production house and incorporate younger people with singing, poetry and writing talents into the workplace. The production company will help them channel their talents correctly in order to have a full impact. To widen the reach, Elisha plans to establish an online studio as well.

He is driven by the need to see young people harnessing their potential and looking at life differently. Identifying challenges as opportunities and becoming empowered to make positive changes in their lives is what keeps Elisha motivated and pushing on.

According to him, young people should be at the forefront of finding solutions and addressing challenges affecting Africa. Their voices should be louder, given that they have more resources at their disposal than previous generations ever did. He believes that today’s youth possess a can do attitude and are driven to explore alternative career paths. They are not afraid to explore their talents.

Looking ahead, Elisha plans to write books to shape and influence what young people read and watch. He contends that young people’s thoughts and actions are shaped by what they consume. It is therefore important to him that young people consume materials that will empower them and drive them to be active citizens. 

Youth is the change that Africa is longing for. Their active involvement and participation in finding solutions for the continent’s problems will make Africa rise to greater heights. He would love to see young people take up leadership roles and actively participate in the economic activities of their countries. 

Elisha is driven by the passion that burns deep inside him. The hunger to influence and cause change in the way young people think and act, so that they can become extraordinary citizens. He turns to poetry and motivational books for inspiration. 

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