TYI’s SADC Top 100 of 2019: Kgabo Karabo Maila, Influencers

Radio content producer, photographer and content writer for an entrepreneurship magazine in Limpopo, Kgabo Maila enjoys capturing special moments.

Her photography work includes a mix of works, she has created a series of work called #MilkxCoffeeSeries, a photographic story that challenges society to understand the need and importance of inclusivity of persons with albinism. Through photography, she has been able to drive change and acceptance or at least some level of sensitivity towards albinism. 

With her camera she has managed to feature her work on albinism on some of the most established art platforms. Her photographic work on albinism continues to challenge people across Africa to dispel existing myths and superstitions that marginalise persons with albinism. 

Her work has landed her an SABC Africa Channels Albinism Report, featured on art magazines like 10 & 5, Conte Magazine, BLQ Magazine and newspaper features. She has been shortlisted in the 10-page 100 Artworks to showcase at the 2019 Sasol new signatures exhibition, and has featured in the 2019 booklets.

Kgabo uses social media as a platform to create awareness of what is happening in her community – Limpopo. Research shows that Limpopo in South Africa  is the second poorest province in the country and part of the reason is that there is a lack of adequate development in various fields. 

Kgabo has taken it upon herself to use her role as a content creator to set the agenda and expose many of the provinces’ youth to success stories in Limpopo to create awareness of the possibilities in the province. 

She produces a breakfast show on Capricorn FM, Limpopo’s only commercial station, where she uses her role to tell stories of progress and give people information that helps them navigate the world with an informed approach. She has produced the show for five years – the content is anchored in politics, entrepreneurship and information designed to build people to believe in the possibilities of change. 

Growing up, she says, she had a lot of difficulty in expressing herself, and that frustrated her. With that in mind, she set off on the journey to fight for social justice leveraging social media to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard.

Her vision is to use her photography work to change narratives around difficult subject matters and shift mindsets around stereotypical thinking. Looking ahead, she plans to set up photography training classes to expose young people to photography and to the possibilities that this art presents in changing communities. 

Her desire is to exhibit her work in exhibitions across the world and eventually produce photo books on albinism to be used in various African Art Museums. She would also like to set up or join a public podcaster, where she can continue to drive the message of change to address the various challenges that Africa continues to face, issues around race, culture and class among others. 

Kgabo says, Africa is changing, and young people must be at the forefront of that change, because the tools are available, and young people are being raised in an environment full of possibilities, it’s just a matter of exposure. They must own their culture and create a new culture of progress that will inspire their efforts. 

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