TYI’s SADC Top 100 of 2019: Ricardo Doorsamy, Influencers

Ricardo Doorsamy works hard to drive awareness to the impact of drug addiction within young people in our communities. 

A youth leader at his church Doorsamy currently works with the youth between the ages 13 and 35 in Durban and surrounding cities in an effort  to tackle the challenges linked to addiction in communities. 

His work was inspired by the turnaround testimony of his life after struggling with drug addiction and how he overcame that addiction himself. 

Overcoming his drug addiction made him realise that there are many people currently facing the same challenges he faced, but have no one to help them; and so he took it upon himself to help other people fight the scourge as well and become hope for those that have no hope.

Doorsamy recently started a non-profit organisation where the main focus is to help young people fight their drug addiction. 

His vision is to build a youth centre in his community, targeting young people between the ages of 13 to 35 to create early awareness of the effects of drugs on young people and their future. 

He is also looking to scale up his work and roll out outreach programmes on drug abuse awareness and solutions to addressing the challenge, mainly aimed at school kids in schools around the KwaZulu Natal area.

His desire is to see young people taking the responsibility to change their communities, their nations and the continent at large. Young people are the future leaders and they must strive to leave a legacy for generations to follow. 

Africa is regarded as a third-world continent, but there is greatness in its blossom and that greatness is in the hands of young people, the future motivators, leaders and pioneers who will build this continent. 

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