WATCH: 3 Exciting Workouts For Millennial Couples

Photo credit: Roelse events

Most millennials are accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle and an exercise schedule is quite difficult to maintain, especially if you would rather spend time with your better half.

Working out isn’t as fun when you are doing it alone but imagine if you were to exercise as a duo?

Photo credit: Nadine Smallberg photography

TYI chats to Tara Stewart (26), a fashion designer and lifestyle blogger about the latest millennial craze- The Couple Workout.

She loves working out with her fiancé, Wade Cannon because “he motivates me. He pushes me to be better every day. I was never a gym going person [6 years ago]. I stayed active in school but after that, I just lost interest and didn’t have someone close to me to motivate me to want to stay in shape and be healthy.”

A 2011 study published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that the exercise habits of people you know have a positive influence on your exercise habits.

“I am driven and motivated enough to know that in this business you never give up. I love having fun with the people I love and working out with my man is just one of those things I’ve learned to love,” says Stewart.

Photo credit: Roelse events

Two is better than one according to Stewart who believes that if you don’t feel like going to the gym or working out, you have to remember that you are letting your partner down. Alternatively, your partner will motivate you to get up and exercise.

According to a study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, exercising with a partner can double your performance.

“We love doing everything together. He loves keeping fit, so I made myself want to be a part of that too. Not only for him but for myself,” says Stewart.

The Department of Kinesiology at Indiana University surveyed married couples who joined health clubs together and found that couples who worked out separately had a 43 percent dropout rate over the course of a year.

5 reasons why couples who work out together, will probably stay together:

1. Cheat days are far more fun.

2. Your sex life is definitely exciting.

3. You get into fewer arguments as you’re releasing your anger in a healthy way.

4. You can shower together after a workout.

5. You bond over the fact that no one else understands your lifestyle.


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Video produced by Tara Stewart

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