WATCH | How to clean your Apple AirPods

Image: Pexels

If you own a pair of Apple’s famous Airpods, then you know how dirty they can get.

AirPods are the best companion for listening to music, podcasts, or watching a good movie but how often are you cleaning them?

According to Liz Amaya, a creative stylist and digital creator, you should be cleaning them once a week if you want to avoid the build-up of dirt, earwax and grime.

Photo by Andy Kuzma from Pexels

The creator, who uses Instagram to share her household organization tips said AirPods were earwax magnets and wanted to remind her followers to clean theirs once a week in order to optimize the sound.

“To clean your AirPods, you will need alcohol solution, Q tips or cotton buds, a toothpick and a microfibre cloth,“ Amaya posted on Instagram.

To clean your AirPods, Liz said you should first remove them from their packaging and gather up the ingredients you’ll need.

First of all, spray some of the alcohol solutions onto a cotton bud and ‘wipe the buds’ carefully.

‘Use a toothpick to reach the hard-to-reach spots,’ Amaya captioned in the video.

‘Then, wipe them down with a microfibre cloth.’

Once this is done, Amaya recommends you repeat the process with the AirPods case and then put them face down to let everything dry out completely.

Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels

People who saw the videos video said they hadn’t realised how often they should be cleaning their AirPods and how to do it.

One viewer wrote, “This is very important but oftentimes neglected. Thanks for sharing Liz. (sic)”

Another wrote, “Good to know, I bet nobody would think to clean them.”

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