Where do you start if you want to study in the USA?

Source: Danang Wicaksono

As a seasoned high school student, you may want to focus on evolving as a learner.

Besides studying and sports, it is important to take note of the standard of college athletes in the USA and do research into the athletic standards required of students in the USA.


You will also want to look closely at what your teachers value and consider how you can study more efficiently to meet what they want.

Here are some top tips to bear in mind if you’re thinking about studying in the USA:

For Grade 10

1. Check your planning

Look at the NCAA website and make sure you are compliant with the core subjects required by them. Ensure your marks are constantly improving because colleges look at grade progression.

Did your academic performance improve over your high school career or did you start to slack off?

2. Challenge yourself

Don’t be shy to ask for help. Teachers and coaches are there to help and will appreciate your efforts to improve. Make sure your schedule is balanced.

Are you following your calendar? If not, you may be overtaxing yourself and it is bound to be counter-productive! A balanced schedule is an invaluable tool in time management.

3. Put together a resumé (summarised CV)

Write down your sports and academic achievements, your hobbies, work experience, community service and extracurricular activities. You also want to provide contactable references with numbers and email addresses.

4. Video footage

Begin filming all your sporting events. Video footage is one of the primary ways USA College coaches will see you perform. Having a good highlights package will be invaluable during the recruitment process.


5. Make the most of your holidays

Students who work, volunteer, play sports or take online classes are in a league of their own. Find an activity that builds upon your interests, and you will be head and shoulders above your peers.

For Grade 11

1. Essays, tests and sporting performance

Your marks, SAT scores and athletic achievements are a huge factor in​ what colleges consider for admission. Prepare for the SAT and make sure your athletic performances are at least at the College Division 2 level and take steps to boost your leadership credentials.

Make sure you explore leaderships pursuits that interest you but at the same time will add value to your resume.

For example: organise a fundraiser for the Soweto Golf Club.

2. Recommendation letters

Ask two teachers and your coach to write your letters of recommendation. You should provide them with a list of your academic, sports and community service achievements which will help them write better letters/testimonies.

3. Tests

The SAT and ACT scores matter, so talk with your school counsellor about which one to take. We recommend taking the SAT in grade 11 and again in grade 12. If you want to study a STEM degree, the SAT Subject Tests are recommended.

4. Building your college list

Once you have received your test scores, convert your high school marks to a GPA and start researching college requirements. Once you have a list of colleges that you are eligible to attend, narrow this list down to schools that have your top three desired degree fields.

For assistance, you can speak with an agent at Aspire Atlantic, or make use of the many apps to aid your research.

5. Campus visits

From May to September USA colleges go on summer vacation. This is the ideal time to visit Universities. To do a college campus tour go to their website and contact the admissions office to book a tour.


During the tour make sure to talk with your guide and have a list of questions to ask during the info session. This will give you a good feel for the university/campus, and don’t forget to send a thank you email.

6. Social media

Be sure to clean up your Facebook, Instagram and other social media profiles. College coaches and admissions officers will review the content, and if deemed to be inappropriate, offers and scholarships will be rescinded.

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