3 Easy Ways To Make Your Lips Look Perfect

What can you do to keep your lips looking luscious?

Here are three tips that you can use regularly

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The Scrub

The easiest way to get rid of dead skin cells and make way for new ones to grow is to exfoliate.

Get a lip scrub made of castor sugar and organic jojoba oil – and gently rub that on your lips for a smooth, renewed touch.

Be sure to exfoliate before and after you apply the lipstick.

Sunshine, baby

In order to avoid sunburn – which can cause your lips to peel or crack – it is wise to use a lip balm that has at least a 15SPF rating sunscreen.

Applying lip balm, or even vaseline, before you put on lipstick – particularly matte lipstick that tends to dry out as time goes by – helps to keep your lips hydrated and will ensure the lipstick does not have a caked-on effect.

Don’t sleep without washing your face, honey

One of the most common mistakes some women make when it comes to make-up is that they sleep with it on.

It can be tempting to just hit the hay after a great party but leaving your lipstick on overnight can severely dry your lips out.

So always use a damp cotton ball – with makeup remover or just plain water – to remove all traces of the lipstick. Then re-hydrate them using honey.

Dab some honey on your lips and massage them for a few minutes before sleeping and the result will a softer, plumper pair of lips in the morning.

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