Top 10 things you didn’t know about our local hero, Sanele Xaba

Source: Instagram/ sanele_xaba

As South Africa’s first international male model with albinism, Sanele Junior Xaba’s presence transcends the ramp and front covers.

Xaba’s international appeal has made him the face of the Bermuda International Collections 2016 fashion event. He has also taken centre stage in international campaigns for top brands like Adidas and Japanese brand Kapital Clothing.

Here are the top 10 things you didn’t know about our local hero, Sanele Xaba:

1. According to People Magazine, Xaba wanted to become a professional swimmer when he was younger.

2. His modelling career began at the age of 15.

3. He cares a lot about charity.

He works at the Rolled Sleeves Outreach programme where he collects useful schooling equipment from fortunate students and donates them to less privileged kids.

READ MORE: Mzansi’s 100 of 2017: Disruptor, Sanele Junior Xaba

4. His twitter followers adore him. All 19 000+ of them.

5. In 2016, the young model and activist made the cover of the 2016 Bermuda International Collections fashion event.

6. At the age of 21, he was named the male model of the year at the Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards in Uganda.

7. He often visits schools educating the future generation about albinism. He was one of few black pupils at the Open Air School in Durban, where he became head boy of his matric class.


8. His dream is to raise awareness about albinism using fashion as his platform to achieve this goal.

9. According to City Press, Xaba claims that in 2014 his one and only love, Keri-Leigh Hope committed suicide.


10. He is studying for a BCom law degree through UNISA (University of South Africa), not to mention the young man works to pay his owns studies.

Xaba has proven that never mind our circumstance, greatness exists in all of us.

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