5 tips for planning gap-year travels

Image: Unsplash/Guilherme

Image: Unsplash/Guilherme
Image: Rana Sawlha
Image: Unsplash/Guilherme

Gap years provide unprecedented levels of fun and adventure, but they also require an immense amount of planning and organization. 

Gap year’s can be daunting to say the least, but that shouldn’t deter your travel bug.

Here are some tips to get your started:

Choose a destination: Travellers in pursuit of adventure should first choose a destination. If you are struggling to choose a particular one, write a list of 5 places that you fancy. Once you choose the 5, write  down what its pros and cons. Pick the one that has the most positive features.

Take travel insurance: One cannot predict what will happen on a trip, therefore it is important to take out travel insurance. Travellers need to compare prices and offerings from at least 3 providers before making a choice. They should also enquire about the policy’s benefits and medical exclusions.

Image: Rana Sawlha

Budget: Whether it’s a 2 or 12 month trip, planning a budget and sticking to it is important. Some travellers often make the mistake of spending their money at one go and as a result have to go home sooner than expected.  While it is fun to splurge in a foreign country, try to keep some extra cash aside in case of emergencies.

Keep copies of your important documents: The last thing someone needs on a trip is to lose their important documents, therefore keep copies of your personal documents at your accommodation, in your luggage and on your possession.

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Find a job: Once you done touring your destination, try to find work. Not only will this earn you some extra cash, it will also introduce you to the locals and boost your career profile.

AUTHOR: IOL/Clinton Moodley

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