6 Benefits of steaming your face

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

If you are looking for an inexpensive way to upgrade your skincare routine you need to try facial steaming.

The luxurious DIY method of steaming your face is one of many ways you can hydrate and cleanse your skin without breaking bank.

Although a simple bowl or pot of hot water will suffice, some people add salt, lemon, tea, dried herbs, and oils to the water for added benefits.

Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

Celebrities like Jada Pinkett Smith and Hailey Bieber vouch for facial steaming as it is part of their skincare routines.

So, what are the actual benefits of steaming your face? Beauty expert Gitanshi Dua shared some of them:

Helps in cleansing

Face steaming opens your pores, allowing dead skin cells, dirt, and other impurities that clog pores to be released. If you have blackheads, a face steam can soften them and make removal easier.

When blackheads and whiteheads remain on the skin for an extended period of time, they can become painful. However, steaming opens up your pores, loosens the gunk inside, and thoroughly cleanses your face.

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It promotes blood circulation

Sometimes your skin looks dull and dehydrated even if it has a proper skincare routine. The main reason for this could be poor circulation of blood in the area. But here the steaming of the face is of great benefit to your skin. This helps increase circulation in the area, provides oxygen, and maintains a healthy and young skin appearance.

Hydrates skin

Facial steaming increases the permeability of the skin to improve absorption. This means that the moisturiser or other skin product that you apply penetrates deeper in the skin after a facial vapour.

This helps the skin to hydrate and hydrates your face naturally. The look of dry skin is often tired and dull. Face steaming enhances skin flexibility and prevents dryness. It promotes the production of natural oils that hydrate the skin.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Helps produce collagen and elastin

The increased blood flow is referred to as improved circulation throughout the face and neck area. This helps to produce more collagen and elastin, two important components of firm skin that can make you look younger by years.

The skin appears more voluminous and resistant to collagen and elastin. As people get old, their skin appears thin and loose because of the loss of collagen and elastin.

Helps heal breakouts

We all despise how a pimple always seems to appear on your face right before a big event. However, one amazing benefit of steaming the face is that it allows you to safely get rid of the breakout without leaving any infection or scar behind.

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

Simply steam your face for three to four minutes, allow the steam to work its magic for about half an hour, and then rub an ice cube on the affected area for about five minutes. This will soothe your skin by calming the inflammation, reducing redness, and drawing out all the pus.

Removes excess sebum

Sebum is a natural oil that your skin produces for lubrication. Steam opens the pores and allows trapped sebum to be released.


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