7 Instagram accounts that will inspire you to start meal-prepping

Meal-prepping might sound like an easy task to do, it’s just packing food for a week or so right? Only, it is not that simple.

Meal-prepping has become essential in most homes because not only does it save time and energy but it also saves money. Making your meals beforehand also ensures that you stay on track with your diet or healthy lifestyle.

Meal-prepping inspiration. Picture: Instagram @budgetbytes

For most home-cooks having to come up with fresh, delicious recipes every week can become a bit overwhelming though. Luckily there are people on Instagram that, over the years, have become professionals at meal-prepping. So whenever you need inspiration or new recipes here are some accounts to follow on the photo-sharing app.

Work Week Lunch

The Work Week Lunch (WWL) programme is perfect for those that are trying to meal prep for the first time.

Not only does Talia Koren post tips for beginners that will help with creating a meal plan but she also focuses on making a variety of meals that one will actually enjoy.

Her subscription meal-prep programme aims to help you skip the tedious planning and grocery list-writing step and jump right into the fun part, which is cooking.

The subscription programme is anti-diet and encourages intuitive eating. Access to the personalised meal-prep recipes is mostly exclusive to subscribers but some recipes are open to the public through the website.

Koren has created a community of over 400,000 people on Instagram making WWL one of the more popular meal-prepping accounts.

Easy meal-prep recipes

From the creators of Meal Prep on Fleek this Instagram account will get you well on your way to being a meal-prep lover because of the variety of recipes posted frequently.

On their feed you will find short videos of recipes with a detailed list of ingredients included for you. This account focuses on weight loss friendly meals so it will be a plus for those that are looking to lose some weight.

Life of a Vegetarian

For vegetarians on-the-go, this account will ensure that you always have something exciting to pack in your lunch box.

Run by My Vegetarian Lunchbox author Renae Westley, the recipes are proof that being a vegetarian is not boring.

Daily Vegan Meal Prep

Even the biggest meat lovers might find themselves looking for some meat-free meal ideas just to switch it up or to save some money.

Daily Vegan Meal Prep is perfect for not only vegans but those that are joining the meatless Mondays trend as well.

The account also features recipes from other vegans that meal prep which means you will never run out of ideas.

How to food prep

This account focuses on more than just making enough food to last you a week, it also looks into the health benefits of the meals featured on the page.

With over a million followers, if their mouth watering feed doesn’t grab your attention then the food facts will.

Keto adapted

Most foodies have probably heard about the ketogenic diet that meat lovers are obsessed with.

Interest in the high-fat, low carb diet has grown in the past couple of years because of how it encourages high consumption of meat, poultry and cheese which is different from traditional healthy diets.

Vegans might want to skip this one but the over 140, 000 people that follow this account find keto meal ideas that have been curated from all over the internet.

Budget Bytes

Whoever said you eating can’t eat fancy meals on a budget had not found the budget bytes page on Instagram yet.

This account is perfect for those who do not want to break the bank every time they go shopping for their groceries. Beth Moncel who founded the Budget Bytes blog creates recipes specifically for those with tight budgets while not compromising on taste.

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