7 Things Happy Couples Never Do

Holding grudges, worrying, nagging, drinking too much… all these can kill your relationship.

Source: Instagram/ @doyoutravel

Here are 7 things happy couples should avoid

Addictive & unhealthy vices

Sitting in and drinking every Friday night might be a fun, but it will take its toll on your health, your weight, your memory and your bank balance.

You will feel sluggish the next day and probably waste it eating bad food and taking headache relief. Avoid that bad start to your two days off together and you will get far more out of the weekend.

And you don’t need coffee to keep you going at weekends – no one will judge you if you embrace the afternoon slump with a little nap.

No phones before bed

Happy couples don’t keep their heads down. When they are together they are present and in the moment.

No phones before bed, no IPads after dinner. They are careful about the amount of time they spend watching TV and playing games.

Don’t bottle up emotions

Bottling up emotions is not good for anyone and if the emotion is relationship-related, it only breeds resentfulness and anger.

Those couples who are happiest are able to tell each other the truth when they have a disagreement.
They either agree to disagree or find a way to compromise – then it’s out of the way and won’t come up later.

Explore the outdoors

Couples who get out and see the great outdoors are likely to be happier. They are generating endorphins, having new experiences and making new memories.

Those who stay indoors feel the bite of habit, repetition and predictability.

You are not entitled to anything in life

Those couples who feel that they are due a promotion, more money, a bigger house – anything materialistic have it seriously wrong.

You are not entitled to anything in life; it all must be earned and cherished. If you adopt this attitude you will start to see the positives over the negatives and get pleasure from the small things.

For couples, this can be taking a walk rather than going to the cinema, or lying in the garden at night and looking at the stars rather than watching TV.

Being unhappy at work filters down to your relationship.

Couples who appear to love life are the ones who have pursued what they wanted to rather than what just pays the bills.

They have supported each other to reach their goals and enjoy the work-life balance it gives them to be able to have quality time together. 

Learn from people you don’t like

It’s natural to moan when something goes wrong – but seeing the bad in everyone and every situation wears your partner down and vice versa.

People are not all bad and situations that seem terrible at the time shape you into a better person by making you stronger, more tolerant or more grateful.

Learn from people you don’t like and take what you can from a bad experience.

Inspired by www.pickthebrain.com

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