How to stay active in winter

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When winter arrives it is normal to want to stay indoors and basically hibernate.

Even the most dedicated gym-goers have a harder time when the cold weather hits.

Cold days and longer nights make it hard to get out of bed in the morning, let alone get the body moving, however, there are simple ways to get motivated when the weather outside is less than favourable, explains Themba Ndlovu, the active brand manager for Clere For Men.

Exercise can help stave off the winter blues, boost energy, and prevent weight gain during the time of year most people add some extra insulation.

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“The goal is to remove as many obstacles as possible and make small changes that can make staying active easier until the warmer weather returns,” Ndlovu added.

Here are some tips that Ndlovu thinks will help you stay active through winter.

Phone a friend

When you exercise alone, there is only one person you need to convince to skip a session, however, when you exercise with a partner or in a small group, there’s more accountability.

Exercise partners can also provide social support and camaraderie. Even if you’re exercising at home, consider joining a live class on Zoom or on Instagram, there are some great winter workout options that don’t require you to brave the cold.

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Mentally beneficial

Many people who start exercising get frustrated when they don’t lose weight or feel fit immediately. Those benefits can take some time. On the other hand, mental health benefits happen almost immediately. When you’re active you feel better, less stressed and more relaxed.


If you are planning an outdoor workout, keep a close eye on the weather forecast so you know what you’re up against the next day. Stock up on some winter-specific workout clothes and have everything ready for when that alarm goes off in the morning: gear, gym bag and snack.

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If exercising in the cold just isn’t something for you, indoor swimming can be a great cardio option. Swimming is one of the best exercises to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A warm indoor pool can be the perfect place for a workout when the weather outside just won’t cooperate.

Protect Your Skin

Winter air isn’t just cold, it’s dry too. To keep your skin from drying out with it, drink plenty of water and moisturise with a rich body cream. To block out biting winds, consider keeping your face covered with a running mask or scarf.

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The dry air, exercise, increased perspiration and hot showers are a recipe for disaster for your skin so use a rich moisturiser during winter.

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