Roadtrip to Party bay

Sourced: Pexels

Coromandel Estate is one of the most underrated guesthouses, with the most breath taking scenery.

This farmhouse is situated in between Lyndenburg and Dullstroom, about 3 hours out of Gauteng.

The route to Coromandel is quite long and boring, but as soon as you reach Dullstroom you are welcomed by breathtaking arrival spaces and mountain veld.

Its super affordable, still a student?..still affordable!

The estate has lots of natural beauty to offer and is filled with agricultural richness.
Once you enter the premises, the trees engulf the pathway that creates a natural tunnel. Leading up to the actual house up the hill, giving the residence a view of anyone that enters the premises.

The mountain known as Spitkop is situated within the farm, with the house situated at the foot of the mountain blending in with its surroundings. The estate originally housed 460 milk cows, which also includes a Nectarine, Peach and Berry farm.

The farms are no longer functional but still have a lot to offer such as the Spitkop Mountain now used as a hiking trail, the natural waterfall and horse stead… open to anyone that cares to explore.

The house was designed by an Italian architect and designer by the name of Marko Zanuso. Coromandel Manor has now become a tourist attraction for architects and all creatives.The estate was handed over to the workers that have been living their and farming for many years.

They have been running the guesthouse for over ten years. It’s a mansion, so its best you go with all of your close friends and throw a massive house, I mean, Mansion party. There’s an indoor fire place, access to the roof to have a midnight picnic and rooms to accommodate at least 10 – 16 people or more.

Just a fair warning, do some research on the directions before you decide to go, its a bit tricky to find.

P.s. Party like a rockstar!

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