Things You’ll Need For Your Road Trip

Source: Pinterest

JOHANNESBURG – Road trips are a good combination of adventure, fun and bonding time, whether you take them with family or friends or decide to go on a solo escapade (hey, we don’t judge).

In light of #WorldTourismDay we thought you might have been inspired to take an amazing break by going on a road trip, because road trips are amazing.

There are some things you’d have to consider before driving off into the sunset to begin your crazy trip.

Check your vehicle prior to the trip

Check your tires, brakes, fluid levels, etc. Car problems are the last thing you want to be faced with while on a road trip, they can put your “F*#k yeah, I’m on vacation” mood down.

Audio books

If you’re travelling with friends or family, a book that’s a favourite amongst the travelling party is the way to go. It’s a hands-free, less complicated way to read books without having a hardcopy or electronic version on hand.

Snacks, snacks, and more snacks

You’re on vacation. One often thinks about making better health choices when on vacation but that idea flies quicker out the window than a. Packing healthy snacks, ahead of time, such as fruit bars, assorted nuts or trail mix, rice crackers or cakes or a cup of mixed fruits should keep the hunger pangs at bay. Besides, you don’t want to find yourself far from home, cramped in a car and hangry.

Hydration…for your skin

As important as hydration for the body may be, your skin takes the most toll during long-distance travelling. Opt for a mineral water spray that not only gives instant relief, but it relieves sun damage and heat rashes while it soothes razor rash (especially for that last minute beauty prep).

Let’s not get lost

A GPS is probably the greatest investment, especially if travelling is concerned. Navigation devices are compact, making travelling less stressful and it’s great if you’re renting a vehicle that doesn’t have a navigation device.

But if you don’t want to rely on a GPS, then a map should be in order, in case the GPS experiences “technical difficulties”. Plus, the nostalgia associated with travelling with a map. A memory worth treasuring.

Awesome music

This could possibly be the main reason why road trips are so AMAZING! Make sure that you’ve got an abundance of music that everyone can sing along to and enjoy.

Games and pranks

From broken telephone, Trivial Pursuits to a travellers set of monopoly games, anything to keep the mood up and the raucous laughter going, right. However, be careful because the laughter could be at your expense when your travelling companions pull a number on you.

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