Today is International Day of Peace

Source: Pinterest

JOHANNESBURG – We are living in times where being savage AF and having zero chill is the “in thing”.

Well, today is International Day of Peace, so put your savagery aside for a second, and inhale and exhale. That’s right, find your inner peace.
International Day of Peace has been recognised since 1982, beginning with the ringing of the Peace Bell at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
I know you’re probably thinking: “How does one find peace when 1GB of data costs R150 in SA but only R22 in India?” #DataMustFall
“How does one find peace when 2017 varsity fees are not falling, but are increasing by 8%?” #FeesMustFall.  
Yes, our current situation offers very little to no peace for our poor little souls, however, today is the day of peace, so let’s make an effort to be peaceful. 
First, we need to understand that peace is more than just the absence of war, by solving disputes without any form of aggression, not entertaining conflicts with friends or family and making peace with ourselves. 
Try to make everyday of your life a peaceful one, and remember that peace needs building, not just celebrating.
Enjoy your day of peace.
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